"Breaking Down Walls Since 2004"

Most of our customers have been refused cover by mainstream insurers for a variety of reasons. Cancelled, refused or voided, left to search the market for someone to take them on.

Insurers are spending millions of pounds on data enrichment. Utility companies and big corporations sell your information to the insurers, who then set algorithms to use against you when assessing risks and loading premiums.

With machine learning (AI) - this will only get worse. But we don’t think that your past is necessarily a guide to your future, and over the last 15 years we’ve been able to prove it. We have gained the trust of a selected market including composite companies like Ageas and Aviva, and awarded Coverholder status with the world’s oldest trusted and largest insurance market, LLOYD’s of London, where we underwrite some of our own products.

We are regarded as ‘the expert’ inside and outside the insurance industry for those disclosing Criminal Convictions / Bankruptcy / Voided Policies and have a high organic authority ranking by Google.

We are delighted that you have found us and hopefully we’ve been able to help you - and continue to do so.

The rise of machine learning, or AI, is a common feature these days particularly when you buy car, home or liability insurance. Insurance is based on trust. The main rating factors such as age, occupation and where you live determine what an insurer will set as the premium. Over 10 million people buy their insurance on aggregator sites or comparison sites and the temptation to change the information you input to make yourself older or live in a lower risk area is too much for over 20% of customers who lie when buying their insurance.

The crazy thing is that insurance companies these days know where you live. They know how old you are and they know your credit ratings and previous claims and convictions because your data is available – for a price. Insurers pay £millions on what is known as “data enrichment.” If for example you default on a direct debit to your energy supplier, that information is purchased by insurers who will then set their computer algorithms to decline or charge you more. Unlike most countries around the world the UK insurers share your claims and driving experience with other insurers so if you apply for cover without disclosing a previous incident, conviction or bankruptcy you will find that your new insurer will cancel your policy, as they will also do if you claim to live at an address you are not registered at. These days we see just as many enquiries from people who have been cancelled by one or two insurers (due to non-disclosure of previous conviction/bankruptcy) and are now unable to obtain cover even when they come clean and disclose all their correct information.

We are a small team of 11 (including the office dog) that focus entirely on the 11 million people with criminal records along with the millions with adverse financial history such as bankruptcy and IVA’s. Our fully trained staff have been helping and protecting disadvantaged UK citizens and their families access essential cover for over 16 years and underwrite many of our own products. We are on-hand to provide expert personal advice to anyone who may have any issues or concerns with property, motor or business insurance.