Car Insurance, Convictions & Cancelled Policies


If you need car insurance but convictions or cancelled car insurance policies are preventing you from obtaining a quote, call SIS today, we can help.

We are an experienced team of specialist insurance brokers dedicated to helping ex-offenders with unspent criminal convictions find car insurance quotes that are comprehensive and competitively priced. If you have had your car insurance cancelled or made void and have been refused insurance, call us today.

Refused Car Insurance  Refused Car Insurance

Car insurance, convictions and disclosure

You may find that many of the well-known insurers prefer low-risk business and may not be willing to offer car insurance to people with criminal convictions or to those who have had their car insurance cancelled or made void.  They often quote ludicrous figures, or refuse to quote altogether.  This leads to many people obtaining car insurance without disclosing past criminal convictions or cancellations.  However, this will render the car insurance policy void.  

When you apply for car insurance, convictions (spent and unspent) must be declared.  You must also provide details of discharged bankruptcies, IVAs and refusals.

Many people applying for car insurance do not realise the need to disclose spent convictions or past financial difficulties when applying for a quote as the right questions are not always asked by the insurer.  In the event of a claim, the insurance company uses this non-disclosure as a means of avoiding paying out on the car insurance policy.  Surely the car insurance companies should take some responsibility in ensuring the appropriate questions are asked on application?

Specialist insurance brokers are experienced in finding insurers who are willing to look at each case on its merits.  They are more flexible and ensure that the right questions are asked and that the car insurance quotes received are reasonable and competitive.

Our advice is simple when applying for car insurance - convictions spent or unspent should be disclosed, along with any previous refusals and we will guarantee you will be paid out in the event of a claim.

Refused car insurance due to convictions or cancelled policies?

Car insurance is seen by many as a grudge buy. However, for those with criminal convictions or cancelled policies, car insurance may be difficult to come by. If you have been refused car insurance due to previous criminal convictions or cancellations, you are not alone. Approximately 25% of the UK work force has had a criminal conviction or have had a policy cancelled/voided and are facing refusal of the most basic insurance services.

It is unlawful for any insurer to refuse car insurance cover or to impose any terms for the spent criminal convictions you may have.

Here at SIS we believe that if you are looking for car insurance, convictions or policy cancellations should not prevent you from obtaining a quote and being paid out in the event of a claim. Call us today on 0161 969 6040. We can help.

In addition to car insurance, we offer a full range of insurance services, including home insurance and liability insurance.

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Car Insurance Cancelled/Voided