Businesses With A Conscience
SIS is not a run-of-the-mill insurance company.
We specialise in providing insurance to people who have been refused policies due to events in their past. We also take our social responsibility very seriously and continually strive to “give back” to society by committing some of our annual profit to local and national community groups and enterprises.
SIS has recently become involved with, and is now one of the Top 10 donators to Honest Coffee, a Manchester-based coffee house which turns its profits into community grants.
What is Honest Coffee?
Honest Coffee is a project led by Future Artists Live, a creative Co-operative of people working across the artistic spectrum, from digital to fine art, from events and logistics to education and training. Future Artists were formed three years ago and have since been very busy creating free education classes, events and workshops.
Coffee is Future Artists’ new project and will be a Manchester-based independent coffee shop, run as a workers Co-op. All profits generated will be turned into community grants for health and wellbeing projects and new business startups.
Honest Coffee will be more than just a coffee shop and meeting place. Future Artists intend to transform the building above the coffee house into an open plan office for freelancers and others that work from home. For 5p per minute, patrons will have access to free drinks, snacks and office equipment.
SIS wish Future Artists all the best with Honest Coffee and we look forward to our first latte!