Public Liability Insurance

For those with criminal convictions, bankruptcy & IVA, policies previously voided or cancelled and refused cover.

Most insurers exclude people with a criminal record or bankruptcy,  denying them access to essentail cover. At SIS we offer “Inclusion not Exclusion” with major UK insurers. We offer specialist insurance cover to individuals who’ve previoulsy been refused cover, normally due to non disclosure of previous convictions or claims of bankruptcy. 

SIS provide cover for liability - plant & machinery - professional indemnity - shops, offices & all other commercial property. Our philosophy is that your past is not necessarily a guide to your future.

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I/we declare that the statements and particulars given in this proposal form are correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and that no material fact has been omitted or misstated. I/we agree that this proposal form together with any other information supplied by myself/ourselves shall form the basis of any contract of insurance effected thereupon.

Public Liability Insurance with SIS

Setting up on your own as a builder, caterer or whatever your chosen field, can be a long and arduous task particulaly if you’re an exoffender with a criminal record, have a previous bankruptcy or IVAs to your name. Buying specialist insurance cover is often overlooked and if you’re disclosing a criminal conviction or a difficult financial past, obtaining adequate cover can sometimes be impossible.

There are literally millions of people living in the UK have this problem which is why we (SIS Insurance) have developed a range of products – including Car Insurance & Home Insurance to suit all your needs.

Material facts which need to be disclosed on the documentation at the inception of the policy form the contract between you the individual and the insurer. It is therefore of paramount importance that all relevant information is disclosed. If in doubt you should always ask us, the broker, for guidance.

For more information on public and employers liability insurance, please visit our Liability Insurance FAQ Section.

If you are unsure about the different types of sub contractors and how they are categorised by insurance companies, please read our Definition of Sub Contractors.