The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and those with criminal records

The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 1974

Under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act of 1974, after a period of time (rehabilitation), some criminal convictions become ignored or “spent”, and convicted criminals are no longer obliged to disclose their convictions, thereby allowing them to move on with a normal life.  Convictions will however remain on the Police National Computer.

The Act is subject to the conviction type and is aimed at minor convictions.  The rehabilitation period will vary depending on the court sentence imposed (it is not determined by the offence).

Please refer to the full Guide to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act for further details.

Unsure on the length of your rehabilitation period?  We can help.

Need insurance but have a conviction?  We can help.

If you are unsure on the length of your rehabilitation period for declaration on home, car  or liability insurance, or if you have a criminal conviction and need home, car or liability insurance, then please contact us today by calling 0161 969 6040, by filling out our contact form or choose from the selection below and we can help you find suitable cover for your circumstances.

If you have a criminal conviction it can be difficult to get a quote for motor insurance. We specialise in finding tailored insurance - let us help...

If you have a criminal record and you can't get home insurance because of your convictions, contact our team of experienced insurance brokers - let us help...

If you are an ex offender with a criminal conviction it can be hard to find liability insurance and move on with your life - let us help......